On the elusive abs



Let me start off by saying that no amount of crunches in the world will get you abs. 

That’s not to say that strengthening your core doesn’t help – it definitely does. Pilates, yoga, those big compound lifts, all of these utilise abs and having a strong core is important in maintaining posture, balance and strength.

But that elusive six pack that everyone wants but nobody can attain? It’s simple:

1. Eat well. Going along the mantra of 80% diet, 20% exercise, food and diet is the number one reason why it’s so hard to get abs – especially for women. As we naturally have a higher percentage of body fat that we carry, especially because we need to maintain reproductive bodily functions, it’s a lot harder to see the muscle hiding underneath all that belly chub. The easiest way to overcome this is to cut refined sugars and saturated fats out of your diet, as well as necessary sodiums. 

2. Cardio. You can do as many ab workouts and planks as you want, and you will build muscle, but you won’t be able to see them if they’re hiding under a layer of fat. Incorporating a range of cardio exercises, especially high intensity interval type training, will definitely help you burn the fat and maintain the muscle at the same time.

A combination of those two simple steps is a surefire way to reach a flatter and more toned tummy.